
I know you gonna leave

It’s too long for me to remember the time when you are still a puppy.
Dog in my home has been a role to accompy my father.
I admit that I am uninterested in raising a dog, but afterall you had been one of our family for 7 years or maybe 8 years.

I could see there is no intimate relationship between you and me everytime you left me along during the jogging.
Still, I like to lift your downcast ears and help you get raid of the louse.
Still, I like to use my feet to massage your abdomen when you lay down.
Still, I like to pat your head when I locked you up and tell you “this is the world we live in”.
Still, there is no still anymore.
Mother said you are mild and docile.
I said you are so considerate and sweet.

You are sick.
When we call“來福”, you couldn’t reply.
When I give you a bone , you couldn’t chew.
You couldn’t find your way home.
I’m sorry.
Everyone could tell you are sick but doctor.
I’m sorry.

There is an old saying “a loyalty dog will leave home before it go back to its heaven”.
I watched your image becoming blurred gradually with the macadam.
I know you gonna leave again, and this time is forever.
Thank you.
Thank you for everything.
I just wanna tell you I will remember you.
Even though, there is no even though.



上星期討論了一篇來自New York Times,名為”It’s love at first kill”的文章,才沒幾天,MMORPG(大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲)馬上又出現在一篇學術論文的標題上出現。雖然筆者本身不玩on-line game,但基於FF系列在我年少輕狂的那段日子也狂風捲暴地帶走了不少的時間,看到RPG總能很自然地引起我的興趣。

在那篇論文(MMORPG玩家遊戲轉換因素之研究–以人口遷徙PPM 模型探討之)中,發現一個相當有趣的理論,Push- Pull-Mooring theory的示意圖如下:



分析一下Job hooping的發生:
鎖住因子最常見的是在social networks下,與同事、主官、下屬之間長期的相處與互動,加上對於公司文化的共有體認所產生的cultural affiliations。另外則是移轉成本的考量,畢竟從senior變成tiro,需要的不只是勇氣而已。有學者以組織嵌入(Organization Embeddedness)一詞討論員工離職行為。當嵌入程度越高,其實就代表Mooring的力量越大。


